Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Freudian slip or miscommunication?

We are in final review mode, meaning that each day the kids have an admit slip quiz. Today's topic: Evolution. There are several key concepts that should immediately come to mind when the students see evolution in a multiple choice questions: change, natural selection, mutation and allele frequencies are all acceptable answers (alas: myth, fiction and slander, are not acceptable answers...these were some of the answers my kids gave me at the beginning of the year when they heard "evolution").

I was trying to explain this in terms of word association. So I started with the example:
When you hear HOT what do you think of?

All the students responded in a chorus of "COLD!" Well, all the students but one: "Marijuana?" Cyrus said quizzically.


The class turns to look at Cyrus.
Mia: did you just say “marijuana.”
Cyrus: yeah, I was scared to say that.
Miguel: You idiot, she said "HOT"
Cyrus: ohh hahah, I thought she said "Pot."
Miguel: You think Ms. S. smokes up?
Cyrus: Well, she's always sayin' random funny stuff

1 comment:

Career Guy said...

Cyrus is absolutely smoking. That was my thought, too.