Monday, May 01, 2006

from day 1

Running down the freshly painted hall is Tiara, a ball of energy who is 5’ tall on a good day.
Ooooh Ms. Mayahz, she screams,(which is really Ms. MeyeRs) how was ya summah?
Fine, Tiara, how was yours?
Oh, it was aight, oooh I’m sooo excited foh biology this yea.’ Ah we gonna do reproduction?
Um, yes, we probably will. This is Ms. S., she’ll be teaching your biology class, so you’ll have to ask her.
Turning to me, Tiara grins and repeats her question: Ah we gonna do reproduction? Still overwhelmed by this miniature siren, I manage to reply, I’m sure we’ll cover it in some capacity.
Ooooh yay! I loooooove reprahduction! Skipping down the hallway, Tiara sings: Oooh I luv a good fuck, I luv a good fuck! I luva, luva, luva a good fuck!
I turn to Ms. Meyers, who has been kind enough to retrieve my jaw from the floor, with a look of d-d-did that just happen? Without missing a beat, she cheerfully replies, oh, Tiara’s so funny.
Funny? That’s one word, but not the word I would have chosen. Welcome to my first year teaching in an urban public school.

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